Merit Nest 200

New ChairsMerit Nest 200Merit Nest 200Mobile and Stowable The Merit Nest 200 is a lightweight and durable nesting chair with extra comfort features.   This chair is mobile and has a foldable design that makes it easy to organise and stow - and it does all this while also being exceptionally comfortable during long work [...]

Merit Guest 100

New ChairsMerit Guest 100Merit Guest 100Lightweight and Tough The Merit Guest 100 is an affordable, well-built, guest chair that is both lightweight and stackable. This chair is a perfect fit with everything from small reception areas, to large halls and conference rooms. It is easy to store and set up for events, and is tough [...]

Merit Guest 100 B

New ChairsMerit Guest 100Merit Guest 100Lightweight and Tough The Merit Guest 100 is an affordable, well-built, guest chair that is both lightweight and stackable. This chair is a perfect fit with everything from small reception areas, to large halls and conference rooms. It is easy to store and set up for events, and is tough [...]