Merit Summit 1

Executive Bow Front DeskMerit Summit 1Merit Summit 1Power Meetings and Paperwork The Merit Summit 1 is a Bow Front Office desk that features rounded approach sides and an elegant curved client-side overhang that is very helpful in meetings. Your coworkers and clients will be able to use the overhang to move in closer and comfortably [...]

Merit Summit 200

U-Shaped WorkstationMerit Summit 200Merit Summit 200Sleek & Stylish The Merit Summit 200 is an executive desk workstation with a work surface designed to facilitate meetings with clients and staff .  Bow front desks have rounded approach sides with an overhang that makes meetings more comfortable. This design also affords you more space to work without [...]

Merit Summit 300

U-Shaped WorkstationMerit Summit 300Merit Summit 300Better Meetings, Better Work The Merit Summit 300 is an executive desk workstation with a work surface designed to facilitate meetings with clients and staff .  Bow front desks have rounded approach sides with an overhang that makes meetings more comfortable. This design also affords you more space to work [...]