Merit Study 200

Straight DeskMerit Study 200Merit Study 200Both Compact & Expansive. A good student desk needs to do the near impossible - to be both large and compact. Students often have little space to work with in their dorm or apartment and need a small and efficient desk. They also need a work surface that is large [...]

Merit Study 100

Straight DeskMerit Study 100Merit Study 100Both Compact & Expansive. A good student desk needs to do the near impossible - to be both large and compact. Students often have little space to work with in their dorm or apartment and need a small and efficient desk. They also need a work surface that is large [...]

Merit Summit 100

Bullet Top Corner / L-DeskMerit Summit 100Merit Summit 100Work & Collaborate The Merit Summit 100 is a Corner / L-Desk whose bullet top end allows the desk to doublw as a mini conference table and faciliate meetings & collaboration. This design also allows for more free movement to and from the desk. The bullet top desk [...]

Merit Summit 200

U-Shaped WorkstationMerit Summit 200Merit Summit 200Sleek & Stylish The Merit Summit 200 is an executive desk workstation with a work surface designed to facilitate meetings with clients and staff .  Bow front desks have rounded approach sides with an overhang that makes meetings more comfortable. This design also affords you more space to work without [...]

Merit Summit 300

U-Shaped WorkstationMerit Summit 300Merit Summit 300Better Meetings, Better Work The Merit Summit 300 is an executive desk workstation with a work surface designed to facilitate meetings with clients and staff .  Bow front desks have rounded approach sides with an overhang that makes meetings more comfortable. This design also affords you more space to work [...]

Merit Summit 400

U-Shaped WorkstationSummit 400Merit Summit 400The Most Collaborative Executive Workstation The Merit Summit 400 is an executive bullet top workstation that can double as a desk or a small conference table. This is the most collaborative, meeting-oriented option among thestandard  executive workstations.  The spacious 72” x 36” surface area allows you to meet with multiple people comfortably [...]

Merit Flow 100

Corner / L-DeskMerit Flow 100Merit Flow 100Everything at Your Fingertips The Flow 100 is an excellent value Corner or L-Desk workstation that gives you easy wraparound access to all your devices and paperwork with just a swivel of your chair. The corner desk is designed to be space efficient.  It helps you maintain a good [...]

Merit Flow 200

U-Shaped WorkstationMerit Flow 200Merit Flow 200Ample Room, Less Clutter The Flow 200  is an executive desk workstation that delivers uncompromising build quality at an affordable price. It features durable TFL that resists scratches, dents, and chips, reinforced construction with a 1" top and sides. The workstation is designed with modesty panels for added privacy and [...]

Merit Gallery 200

Reception GalleryMerit Gallery 200Merit Gallery 200Professional & Welcoming The reception area is the face of your workplace. It's the first thing that visitors see when they step inside your door, and that first impression can define how potential clients see your business. Your reception area and front office should set the right tone and shape [...]

Merit Gallery 400

Reception GalleryMerit Gallery 400Merit Gallery 400Professional & Welcoming The reception area is the face of your workplace. It's the first thing that visitors see when they step inside your door, and that first impression can define how potential clients see your business. Your reception area and front office should set the right tone and shape [...]